
Jewish and Chassidic Perspectives on the Coronavirus

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Jewish and Chassidic Perspectives on the Coronavirus

What does Judaism say about a pandemic? What have the great Jewish sages and mystics taught throughout the ages, and what insight can we glean for our times?
Coronavirus / COVID-19

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Revna Petrowski Everett March 26, 2022

Very inspirational teaching... Reply

Ruth May 8, 2021

Thank you. Specially for your humbleness and deep information! Reply

Karen Joyce Chaya Fradle Kleinman Bell (Karen Chaya) Riverside, CA via April 13, 2020

The rain falls on the just and the unjust. How can anyone try to connect in any way natural disasters and diseases with introspection? The rain falls on the just and the unjust, right? No rhyme or reason. No connection with Moshiach coming or any other prophecy. Reply

Anonymous Miami May 7, 2020
in response to Karen Joyce Chaya Fradle Kleinman Bell (Karen Chaya):

The natural disasters, ploagues and even the regular rains are to remind us who the Creator is, to pray that we will be and healed, and to get ready for Moshiach now Reply

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