Text-based study enhances Torah study skills

Developed specifically for online, in-depth learning

Taught by scholars with a personal interest in the subject

Engaging topics made relevant to real life issues
About the Course
The central observance of Rosh Hashanah is hearing the shofar. This year, many of us will not be able to attend synagogue services and will be blowing the shofar at home. This course will provide you with practical tips and mystical insights to fulfill this mitzvah an optimal manner, so you can blow at home, and blow everyone away.
Course syllabus
Level: Intermediate
Length/Effort:3 weeks / 30 min. per week
Category: High Holidays
Institution: Chabad.org - Chabad of NWBC

Meet the Instructor
Rabbi Chanoch Kaplan serves as Rabbi and Executive Director at Chabad of NW Bergen County in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. He received a BA in Judaic Studies from the Rabbinical College of America and Rabbinic ordination from the Rabbinical College of Sydney, Australia. He is a sought after lecturer, teacher and counselor.