
Despite Shocking Tragedy, She Says Chabad Is Staying

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Despite Shocking Tragedy, She Says Chabad Is Staying

An inspiring conversation with Mrs. Shternie Wolf, Chabad’s emissary in Hanover, Germany, who suddenly lost her husband, Rabbi Benny Wolf, yet she remains determined to stay and continue their life work there.
Podcast: Subscribe to Ordinary People, Extraordinary Stories
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Shelichut, Germany, Pain, Suffering & Tragedy

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Pax Lattimore Texas December 9, 2020

Mrs. Shternie Wolf you are an inspiration an Eschet Chayil! Reply

Chaya Harrison Montreal December 8, 2020

What an incredibly brave and dedicated shlucha who is an inspiration to us all. May we post the fundraising link? Reply

Nebiyat Nigusie Woldeyohannis Ethiopia December 7, 2020

Dear Mrs. Shternie Wolf thank you for sharing us your inspirational history. You are a very good soul. You are like our father Abraham. You have a very big faith and you live for God's purpose. As you said Rabbi Benny is with you all the time in your work. His soul becomes happy with what you decided. You are blessed. God give you all the good success you want. Reply

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