
Why Do We Light Shabbat Candles?

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Why Do We Light Shabbat Candles?

Learn the inner reasons, historical context, and basic how-to instructions for lighting Shabbat candles.
Neshek Campaign, The Rebbe's, Shabbat Candles

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Sophie November 14, 2023

Hi I have a question, Why do we cover our eyes while saying the blessing on the candles. Reply

Gail Thomas Fairburn Georgia November 18, 2023
in response to Sophie:

We must focus all of our attention on Hashem and hear so that it gets deep into our thoughts and becomes part of our very beings. No distractions Reply

Ileana White Plains NY January 6, 2023

Thank you!
Shalom Reply

Cynthia Maryland September 5, 2021

Thank you, it is a very informative video. Reply

Robert Joseph Negron Pembroke Pines April 17, 2021

This is a wonderful, to the point overview that gave me a much clearer insight into Shabbat and it's divine nature. Thank you for taking time to make it with excellence. Shalom, Robert Reply

Grace Yow Surprise, AZ March 18, 2021

thank you for sharing. please note:

in psalm 6:23 hebrew word is 5216 [e] nê נֵ֣ר a lamp. the israelites used lamps. the egyptians used candles to worship their gods. the menorah are seven lamps on a stand, not seven candles on a stand. Reply

Cheryl Freewalt Ohio City February 24, 2021

This is a beautiful video on the lighting of the candles. I am not Jewish, but I very highly respect Judaism. I have always believed that the practice of the traditions with a good understanding of why, connects the spiritual and physical experience of the Lord, Who is always active with us. I was surprised that the video did not mention that the light commemorates the Lord's first act of creation. So, I guess I have gone all these years misinformed. Thank you for helping my understanding. Reply

MCohen February 22, 2021

Why only women, men can’t light candles for SBT?? I’m new to the culture with no teacher so if someone can explain this for me I’d appreciate it. Reply

David Queens February 24, 2021
in response to MCohen:

Men can light, but tradition is that the woman of the house light the candles Reply

Levi December 4, 2023
in response to MCohen:

The women are the mainstay of the home. Since the woman runs her home, it his her merit to be the one to light the shabbos lights to brighten the home. But if there are no women in the home 😕 then the men are just as obligated as the women. Reply

Joseph Vinegar February 21, 2021

Very nice.
I thought it was because the Tzedukim/Karaites had the (incorrect) view that you're not allowed to even have fires going on Shabbat therefore the Sages instituted candle-lighting.
So 2 qs:
1) Where is the custom earliest mentioned?
2) Is it because of the Tzedukim/Karaites we instituted this? Reply

Robert J Negron South Florida February 21, 2021

What a beautiful presentation of the meaning of Shabbat! I am new to practicing this wonderful ceremony and it was very enlightening. Thank you! Reply

Sara February 19, 2021

Either that’s a misprint on the Y2K special edition from The NY Times or the narrator is misinformed ...the date on the newspaper reads, ‘January 1, 2100’ not 2001 - anyone else catch that?
This was a very enjoyable & informative video - thank you.
Happy Shabbat Reply

Anonymous October 20, 2021
in response to Sara:

He said "two-thousand-one-hundred." Reply

Gael October 24, 2021
in response to Anonymous:

But before that he said Y2K Reply

Sara Carpenter Richmond Hill October 25, 2021
in response to Anonymous:

watch again and pay close attention to the date on the newspaper : ) must be a misprint...I hope! lol Reply

Sara Carpenter Richmond Hill October 25, 2021
in response to Gael:

watch again and pay close attention to the date on the newspaper, it says '2100' : ) must be a misprint...I hope! lol Reply

Sil Facci February 19, 2021

Very inspiriting....Thanks! Reply

Andrew Pecaut PORT ORANGE February 18, 2021

That was beautiful. Reply

Stella United Kingdom February 18, 2021

I believe that lighting Sabbath Candles is simply devotion. However, with total consciousness & enthusiasm, Spirit designs various symbols from both the Wicks as well as the Wax. In my experience, 3" diameter is vital for this to happen. Minimum Length 6". I have numerous digital images and some preserved symbols which if anyone has knowledge in this sector, I welcome views. Peace!!! Reply

Marcus San Diego February 17, 2021

יפה מאוד Reply

Ira USA February 17, 2021

About lighting Shabbat candles. I thought your video was nice. The only thing is the repetition of women and girls lighting the candles. In one comment you said, "if there is not a woman present, a man may light the Shabbat candles. In the New York times segment, the small ad mentioned women again lighting candles. I am a widower. I have enjoyed lighting Shabbat candles since my wife's passing. On Friday after lighting candles, I recall the blessing of growing up in a home where Shabbat candles were lit, and how Peace descended inevitably into our home, and hearts. However, after lighting candles, my mother covered her eyes after three times circling the flame saying, "Baruch Hu uVaruch Shemo." I think this is a custom from her mother and other women in our lineage, and from the shtetls in the pale. What do you think of this custom? Reply

Jack Paris TN February 17, 2021

If there is only a single Man in the house, it is permissible for him to light the candles? Reply

Joseph Vinegar February 22, 2021
in response to Jack:

yes Reply