Elisha Wiesel, the only child of Elie Wiesel, the famed Holocaust survivor, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, author, and human rights advocate. Elisha will inspire us with the impact that the Rebbe had on his father and how it influenced everything he set out to do.

Dina Hurwitz is a thoughtful, humorous and inspiring speaker, and Chabad Rebbetzin to Rabbi Yitzi, an inspirational writer and spiritual guide who was diagnosed with ALS. As a world renowned personality, Dina continually writes on the subject of harnessing strength and spirit in the face of tremendous challenges.

Michal Oshman is Head of Company Culture, diversity and inclusion at TikTok Europe and was formerly responsible for international leadership and team development at Facebook. Her best selling and critically acclaimed book, What would you do if you weren't afraid, is making waves and changing the way people worldwide think about themselves

David Luchins is a chair of the political science department at Touro College in Manhattan. Luchins, aide to both former Vice-President Hubert Humphrey and New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, is a vociferous presence in political and Jewish spheres. He is a national officer for the Jewish Council of Public Affairs (JCPA) and a national vice-president of the Orthodox Union.

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