
Vacationing in Torah

12 Tammuz, 5737 • June 28, 1977

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Vacationing in Torah: 12 Tammuz, 5737 • June 28, 1977

Summer vacation must be utilized to grow in one’s Judaism.
Summer Camp, Torah Study, Vacation, Summer, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Vacationing in Torah
12 Tammuz, 5737 • June 28, 1977
Disc 36, Program 144

Event Date: 12 Tammuz 5737 - June 28, 1977

Summer vacation must be utilized to grow in one’s Judaism:

Children should be sent to local Jewish programs, or to a Jewish overnight camp where they will study Torah every single day, and be surrounded by a spirit of love and an awe of G-d.

For Yeshiva students “whose only occupation is Torah study,” even their time of relaxation should be devoted to Torah. If need be, choose a lighter topic to study during your rest time, or reach out to other Jews.

For adults, the few weeks vacation you take, are only a break from work. Utilize your freedom from the stresses and anxieties of the workplace, to devote yourself with increased energy to spreading Torah and Mitzvos. This will actually rejuvenate you for your return to the office.

Living Torah

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