
Why I Became a Double Organ Donor

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Why I Became a Double Organ Donor

What type of person becomes an organ donor twice?! Meet Rabbi Ephraim Simon, a kidney and liver donor, and his supportive wife, Nechama, both Shluchim of Bergen County, New Jersey in a fascinating conversation with Chana Weisberg.
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Organ Transplant

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ITTY spring valley ny February 1, 2022

so inspiring Reply

Eric Steger Sunnyvale CA November 25, 2021

Yasher Koach Rabbi Simon! is where someone should go who is inspired to donate an organ to a fellow Jew in need. As Rabbi Simon mentioned in the podcast, Chaya Lipschutz, a kidney donor herself, makes the shidduch and helps the donor navigate the process. I merited to be her third liver match, joining Rabbi Simon in the family of organ donors. Given the opportunity, I would do it all over again. Reply

Shmuel Tzfat November 26, 2021
in response to Eric Steger :

there are many successful therapies for kidneys, otherwise considered by today's medical western establishment dead. why focus on transplantation that also involves maiming another person? there are no other ways to do Hesed except suffering? Reply

AS Sturman Tzfat, Israel November 24, 2021

BS"D Hearing how simple and safe being a donor is, I feel motivated to participate. Reply

Eric Steger Sunnyvale November 25, 2021
in response to AS Sturman:

That's great news! It's a long journey, so be patient. All the best to you. Reply