

The Holy Cities of Israel

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Jerusalem: The Holy Cities of Israel

Learn more about Jerusalem, the holiest city in the world and the eternal capital of the Jewish people
Israel, Jerusalem

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Moses Ofori November 15, 2017

Israel, the land that I once lived, is the land that I love. They welcome and receives strangers from all over the world and you will be we'll fed. Reply

Anat Ariella Oregon April 29, 2017

My inner soul knows I need to walk this land, touch the earth it's on. One day my dream will be my reality! Jerusalem I will be there Reply

Joao Isaias Dili East Timor August 22, 2016

Holy Land Jerusalem, from you I know God. I wish to visit you one day. I want to all memories with with my eyes. I am not satisfied when i herded the Histories about you Jerusalem.

I love You Reply

Jorge Oisiovici Salvador - Bahia July 21, 2014

Yerusalaim : eye of the Universe ! Reply

jeanette florida May 10, 2014

jerusalem the land i have inside my blood and my soul the land most beautiful and the land the all nations want it Reply

Anonymous scramento ca May 7, 2014

awesome this is an amazing video Reply

jeanette florida February 27, 2014

The only place in the world. so beautiful and the only in this world. The Land of My GOD. My land. Some day I visited if God gives me the opportunity to visited. He stay in my heart and my soul. I thing this is the most important for the human been. Reply

Anonymous August 9, 2013

We should not forget Theodor Herzl he died at 44 of exhaustion fighting to create the state of Israel.He succeeded .How proud he would be to see this amazing country today. Reply

mike diamond texas June 3, 2013

JERUSALEM Thank G-d for your web site Chabad! Israel should never give any of its land up, never! Reply

Sientje Seinen chilliwack , Canada January 16, 2012

Jerusalem As was decreed for Israel,
The tribes assemble from abroad
With thanks unto the Name of G-d
For there His Holy Presence dwell
The seats for judgment are therein.
The thrones of David's royal kin
There sit the rulers of the nation
Prosperity be unto them
That love you O Jerusalem
Who makes your peace their supplication.

Let peace be found within your walls
And in your palaces repose
May blessings be conferred on those
Who dwell within you favoured halls
For firends and brethren I would say
Let peace abide in you for aye
May nought disturb you now or ever
By reason of G-d's temple fair
and for the mercy proffered there
I will invoke your good forever. Reply


YERUSHALAYIM In 1991, I was staying in TZFAT when unexpectedly my young bride and myself were asked if we'd like to replace a couple RUSSIANS on a tour bus going to the KOTEL in YERUSHALAYIM. We didn't hesitate a minute and when we soon arrived there and walked down the ramp to go to the KOTEL, I sensed something like the air was scintillating with an invisible fire, raising everything in it's midst. CHABAD came to me and immediately had me wrapped up in TEFILLIN, then sent me to the wall to daven. I have never had a more profound sense of HOLINESS than at that time. YERUSHALAYIM SHEL ZAHAV. Reply

Helena Koponen Helsinki, Finland July 8, 2011

Shalom! I miss You Jerusalem! Next year... Reply

Placido M. Menaje, Jr. Manila, Philippines June 15, 2011

G-d prevails The video clip proves how G-d is preserving Jerusalem and the Jewish people.

I am a Filipino and I love Israel and its people. Many nations tried in the past to conquer and blot out Israel from the map of the world but they all FAILED!! This time, nations again are trying to agree to divide Jerusalem into two--one part for the Palestinians and the other part for Israel. BUT THEY WILL FAIL. How could they succeed against the omnipotent G-d? Jerusalem will remain the holy city of Israel alone. Reply

Zhenhua Liu Hefei, China November 29, 2010

Thank you! I have always mistaken Jerusalem for the City(העיר) of Peace.
Now from your video I know that it stands for God sees.

תודה Reply

Mr. Jonathan Kahura via October 27, 2010

Wow...Jerusalem... I have learned something listening to this brief vid clip and wept with these people. I am in dire need to learn soul is hungry! Reply

Anonymous May 11, 2010

THANK YOU ALL at Chabad I am BLESSED everytime I come to visit you all at chabad...Thank You...Shalom Reply

A Viewer New York August 10, 2009

Correction "Less than a decade later.."?! Should say "Less than a CENTURY later"!! Reply

Yisroel Cotlar for June 12, 2008

Re: Ararat You are right that the ark first rested on Mount Ararat. But it would be more than six months later before the water fully dried up and Noah actually left the Ark. It was then that he built the altar in Jerusalem. Reply

Jessica Oliphant Siletz, Oregon USA June 11, 2008

Noah The clip (which was beautifully done) says that Noah built an Altar to the Lord there.
I have a problem with that due to the fact the Ark rested on Mt. Ararat, in Turkey. Reply

Ephraim Brooklyn, NY June 1, 2008

Facts very nice. one item seems to be off. you mention the building of the second Holy Temple after a decade after the first Temples destruction. It was 70 years, not a decade. If I heard erroneously forgive me.

very nice. Reply