

The Holy Cities of Israel

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Safed: The Holy Cities of Israel

Safed is one of the four “Holy Cities,” and is well-known as a center for the study of Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism. Learn more about Safed.
Safed, Israel

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batya avraham Dallas ,Texas July 20, 2023

Spent 5 years in Safed 2008-2013, and found my home city .
I know every pathway and it's people. I
hope to return this Pesach coming 24 as 10 years have passed living in Dallas which is far from Eretz Israel.
batya avraham Reply

Marc Weiner Ventnor City, USA June 18, 2014

I would like to move permantly to Safed with a JAS like Amanda. I should be so Blessed! I love Torah, Kabbala, Eretz Yisroel and Jewish Women who are beautifuli inside and out. I am an honorable, gifted, handsome and connected to the REBBE. Reply

Amanda Pomona, NJ May 17, 2011

Safed Thank you for posting this beautiful, and interesting video! Reply