Ever since the first commercial car radio was invented a century ago, driving and listening have gone hand in hand. Over the years, the old Motorola was replaced by more advanced devices, such as the 8-track, the cassette player, the CD player, and now satellite radio and streaming services.

For Jewish drivers, this technological evolution has been a blessing, as it has made it easier to access Torah content even while on the road. This is the literal fulfillment of the mitzvah to study Torah “when you go on the road and when you lie down and rise.”1

Now this experience has become even more convenient with the latest update to the Chabad.org Daily Study App, which is now compatible with Apple’s CarPlay.

CarPlay is a smarter and safer way to use your iPhone while driving, as it allows you to control your phone’s features from your car’s built-in display. With CarPlay, you can use the Daily Study App to listen to the daily lessons and switch between different topics and speakers without touching your phone.

This upgrade was sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. David and Hila Warner for the safety and security of our brothers and sisters in the Land of Israel, and in memory of those who recently lost their lives al kiddush Hashem.