By the Grace of G‑d

Dear Friend,

This coming Shabbat marks 25 years since the passing of’s founder, Rabbi YY Kazen, who was affectionately known as “YYK” to his thousands of online correspondents.

Long before Google or Amazon were dreamed up, Chabad had already established a Jewish presence in what was then called “cyberspace.” Following the Rebbe’s vision and teachings to harness all technologies to make the world a better place, Rabbi Kazen was active in publishing Jewish ideas online and personally assisting fellow Jews all over the world.

Twenty-five years later, we can all appreciate his far-reaching vision. Like millions around the globe, if you are reading this, your life has probably been impacted by as well.

This week, we honor Harav Yosef Yitzchak ben Harav Shlomo Schneur Zalman Kazen on his 25th yahrtzeit on 12 Kislev. And we ask you to join us in paying tribute by doing something he was passionate about: spreading Torah and mitzvot to others. We encourage you to browse our Parshah section and choose one thought to share with friends and family, by sending them a link or by retelling the idea at your Shabbat table.

Rabbi Kazen dreamed of a world where access to Jewish wisdom and ideas would be freely available, and we are all part of that vision!

With best wishes,

The Team

P.S. If you knew Rabbi Kazen, or want to share some thoughts and comments for us to send to his family, please feel free to do so here.