Around 17 years ago, a new voice entered the scene: a four-year-old girl named Miri, who joined KabbalaToons to teach the deepest secrets of the Kabbalah through the deceptively simple guise of colorful animations.

Miri was a curious young girl, hanging out in the lab of her grandfather, Rabbi Infinity. Together with their futuristic pet robot, Feivel, Miri got into all kinds of scrapes and adventures, discovering profound truths and wisdom-teachings along the way.

The magic behind Miri, her cute voice and heartwarming expression, was a little girl named Nitzeves, youngest daughter of the cartoon’s creator, Tzvi Freeman. Since Nitzeves was too young to read at the time, her father would patiently feed her her lines one at a time in the studio, teaching her to say big words she would never use in real life.

The audience loved—and still loves—Miri. And so, in response to popular demand, she got her own series titled “Miri Makes Trouble.” It’s a must-watch, at once both endearingly hilarious and deeply educational.

As the series became a classic and Miri was immortalized as a sweet little girl, the real Nitzeves grew into a young woman.

Today, we invite you to leave a comment below and join us in wishing her mazal tov on her marriage to Yosef Yiftach-Hashem of California. May the young couple bring much nachas to their families and to the entire Jewish nation!