In June I wrote a post on this blog trying to find a silver lining in exorbitant gas prices. Oil was $140 a barrel and the "experts" were sure it was going to $300. Auto manufactures, sure the SUV was a relic of the past, reconfigured their machinery, replacing gas guzzlers with go-carts.

So now that gas is back to around $2.45 a gallon I guess our economy is rock solid once again?

Wait, what happened? Didn't we promise that if the time ever came when we didn't need a second mortgage to fill up, we'd never complain again?

Well, that issue was reversed and yet there is so much more to do.

The current market crisis is a harsh illustration of an encouraging lesson: we're never done. We are endlessly in pursuit of our mission. There is no conclusion; and that's great.

Too often we find ourselves wishing just one last wish: "If I pass my driver's test... If I get that job... get out of that speeding ticket... I'll never ask for anything again... life will be serene."

We can and will overcome this challenge too. We will work hard and succeed and then work harder, reaching unimagined heights and on and on—"keeping on keeping on" means we are alive!

When we accomplish something really special (even if we are the only ones who deem it so) a little voice whispers: "Good job! Wow! Take the rest of the week off—you deserve it." You helped out when no one else would, you answered the call and made the minyan, helped the sweet old lady with her groceries—you're good; let someone else attend to the next mitzvah.

Chassidic thought reminds us that life is a constant dynamic, an ever intensifying series of opportunities. The wonderful truth is there is always something more; till 120, we can build, grow and assist. As enticing as the hammock often seems, it is not why G‑d created us—mere existence is not living.

We are not looking for crisis; life provides those for free. But we are excited by each day's fresh gift, viewing each accomplishment as a challenge to do even more.

When people reported to the Rebbe of some great mitzvah act, the Rebbe often responded with encouragement to double their efforts. To the uninitiated this may appear as criticism, when in fact it is complimentary. One's success means they have great abilities, if someone did well we bless them to do even better.

Now that we can drive our cars again let's use them to run errands of goodness and kindness and arrive at the ultimate destination—the coming of Moshiach now!