Presented are images of the Rebbe, of righteous memory, saying the kaddish, mourner's prayer, during the funeral of his mother, Rebbetzin Chana, in the Old Montefiore cemetery, just after her interment.
Today, the sixth of the Jewish month of Tishrei, is her anniversary of passing.
In a rare public moment, the Rebbe can be seen shedding tears as he says the prayer.

The following is the text of the press release issued by Lubavitch World Headquarters following her passing:
Rebetzin Chana Schneersohn – mother of the Lubavitcher Rebbe – passed away in New York
(LNS) Brooklyn, N.Y. (9/13/1964) Rebetzin Chana Schneerson, mother of the Rebbe, passed away here Saturday afternoon after a brief illness.
Rebetzin Schneerson, the eldest of three sisters, a descendant of the Janovsky-Lavut rabbinic family, was born in Romanovka, [Ukraine] in 1880. Her father, Rabbi Meir Shlomo, was the rabbi of Nikolaev.
In 1900, she married Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, a direct descendant of the Schneerson dynasty, who became renown as an outstanding Talmudic and Kabbalistic scholar.
In 1902, the first of her three sons, who is now the Lubavitcher Rebbe, was born.
Five years later, her husband was appointed chief rabbi of Yekatrinislav, known now as Dnyepropetrovsk, where they lived till 1939.
Because of his activities in promulgating Judaism, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak was deported by the communists to a prison in Alma Ata, in Kazakhstan, Central Asia. Rebetzin Chana gallantly stood at her husband's side during his difficult plight in prison, and encouraged him to continue writing his Kabbalistic and Halachik commentaries. When ink was not made available to the rabbi, Rebetzin Chana prepared a home made ink formula for him. Because of her singular efforts many of these manuscripts are available today in the Rebbe's library.
Ill health resulting from his exile took its toll, and Rabbi Levi Yitzchak passed away in exile in 1944.
In 1945, Rebetzin Schneerson moved to Paris and soon thereafter to Brooklyn, New York, near the Lubavitcher world headquarters headed by her illustrious son.
She was a woman of striking aristocratic elegance and remarkably brilliant and well informed.
Her interment took place on Sunday at the Old Montefiore cemetery in Springfield Gardens, Long Island, in the presence of some 5,000 people.