
Tzniut ("modesty" in dress & behavior)

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Tzniut ("modesty" in dress & behavior): modesty in dress and behavior
As G‑d’s children, we must act and look the part, conducting ourselves with dignity and modesty.
Question: I’ve been told that part of being an observant Jewish woman means dressing modestly. I’m very confused, however, about the standards of modesty and how they come to be established. I don’t see much in the Torah about this. What does dressing mod...
Why does Judaism tell women to keep their bodies covered? Is there something shameful or evil about a woman’s body?
The classical interpretation is that Leah and Dinah’s behavior is being condemned as unbecoming the Jewish woman’s virtue of “innerness.” But a careful analysis of the source texts shows the very opposite to be the case . . .
The Torah View on Women, Beauty and Modesty
Judaism does not vilify physical beauty, nor does it glorify it for its own sake. Torah teaches us the true value of beauty and its appropriate place in our lives.
Actress, neurobiologist, mom, proud Jewish woman.
Then this gal showed up on the hit TV show, The Big Bang Theory as a modest-dressing neurobiologist nerd. How she managed to convince the producers to let her character dress in a skirt that covers her knees is remarkable...
Women and Wisdom: Lesson 1
The Jewish idea of tzniut (modesty) isn’t just about the way we dress. How does maintaining appropriate personal boundaries help to preserve intimacy?
When I walk by some people stare at me in my beautiful long skirt and modest long sleeved T-shirt. People can tell that I am different. People can tell that I am a Torah observant Jewish girl and I am proud of that...
“Aren’t there way too many things that you have to do?” “Is there anything in your life that you wish you could do, but you can’t because you’re religious?” The questions came hurtling toward me, one after the next . . .
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