
Cave of Machpelah

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Cave of Machpelah: The cave in Hebron, Israel, wherein are buried Adam, Eve, Abraham, Sara, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob and Leah.
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The Cave of Machpelah (Cave of the Patriarchs), located in historic Hebron, is one of the most famous pieces of real estate on earth...
Parshah Curiosities: Chayei Sarah
The Torah details the first plot of land Abraham purchases in the land of Israel, which was the Cave of Machpelah area in Chevron. Discover fascinating facts about this cave and its amazing background story.
Parshah Chayei-Sarah
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I should go. I didn’t want to go. In all honesty, I was embarrassed to admit it, I was afraid to go. This was an antiquated, angrily disputed place; quite small, really. Though you’d never guess it by the media attention it drew. I pushed it to the back o...
Question: So Sarah dies, Abraham needs to buy a burial plot for her, and he asks for a cave in a field belonging to Ephron the Hittite. What did Abraham know about that cave that he was willing to pay 400 shekels for it? Answer: Allow me to share some his...
The holy cities of Israel
Hebron, one of the four “holy cities” in Israel, lies at the center of Biblical Judea. Learn more about “The City of the Patriarchs.”
Part 5
Biblical references pointing to the sanctity and special theme of Hebron as a city of great joining powers.
When his wife Sarah passed away, Abraham was offered an incredible bargain: a free burial plot. Abraham's refusal to accept teaches us something about the worth of bargains...
A Modern-Day Matriarch
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After all others failed, Rachel successfully persuaded G-d to eventually bring her children back from their exiled lands. What merit did she have which swayed G-d?
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