Matzah (also spelled matzo) is the central food eaten at the Seder, the ritual-rich meal held on the first two nights of Passover (only the first night in Israel).

Matzah is made of just two ingredients—flour and water—which are quickly mixed together and baked before the dough can rise and become chametz (“leaven”), which is strictly forbidden on Passover.

The matzah recalls how when our ancestors left Egyptian slavery they were in such a hurry that there was no time to allow their dough to rise.

Only matzah that is marked as “kosher for Passover” may be consumed on Passover. It is especially recommended to use handmade, round shmurah matzah during the Seder nights.

Three matzahs are placed on the Seder Plate, and matzah is eaten at three points during the Seder meal: Once on its own, once together with maror (bitter herbs), and once again as the afikoman (dessert).