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Hear Elisheva tell her journey to Judaism and to becoming a Chabad rebbetzin in Italy.
“Thank you to those who have begun new projects and institutions in the Rebbetzin’s memory…The Rebbetzin was educated by her father, the Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn. She merited that many...
Near the park, we were forced to detour via a parallel street. At the next traffic light, the Rebbetzin said to me: “I heard a woman screaming. Can you go back and see what that was about?”
The Fifteenth of Shevat celebrates the New Year for Trees and the marks the beginning of a new fruit-bearing cycle in the Holy Land.
When a person is uprooted from his habitual environment... there come to light certain traits of his inner character as they are in their purity, undistorted by the expectations of society. Often, these traits reveal the hidden good in this person, of which perhaps even he himself had been unaware, because they were hidden under the layers of “manners” and social conventions. Fortunate is the person who does not allow these traits to disappear when he subsequently settles down and finds tranquility.
— From a 1944 letter by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, recalling his days as a refugee in Vichy France