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In the United States, there is much debate about the separation of government and religion.
Hear Elisheva tell her journey to Judaism and to becoming a Chabad rebbetzin in Italy.
“Thank you to those who have begun new projects and institutions in the Rebbetzin’s memory…The Rebbetzin was educated by her father, the Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn. She merited that many...
Near the park, we were forced to detour via a parallel street. At the next traffic light, the Rebbetzin said to me: “I heard a woman screaming. Can you go back and see what that was about?”
A people is like a walled city, which needs a wall to surround it, with gates that open and close. In other words, we must protect what is best and most precious in ourselves against outside influences, and also be open to the world to give and receive, learn and teach.
— The Rebbe