
Light Unto the Nations

Greater Opportunity, Greater Responsibility

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Light Unto the Nations: Part 2: Greater Opportunity, Greater Responsibility

The Rebbe speaks on the Seven Universal Laws for all mankind.
Seven Noahide Laws, Lubavitcher Rebbe

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Michael Plotycia US February 19, 2015

This teaching is a blessing to this non-Jew. Thank You Reply

Chief Avraham Ukoh Lagos, Lagos Nigeria December 22, 2010

Days of mourning/Mezuzah Israel mourned Moses for 30 days, Abraham also mourned Sarah for 30 days and Kabbalah talks about 7 days mourning. So what is the difference between the 30 and 7 days of mourning? And which of the two is ideal?
What is a Mezuzah? And how can one get some for our homes? Reply