

Rare Bar Mitzvah in Small English City Makes a Lasting Impression
Campus Life
In Southampton, a 13-year-old and others share moments of discovery
Australia & New Zealand
Parent volunteers help make the program for Jewish children a success
Campus Rabbis Deliver Soup for Students, Edibles for Exams
Campus Life
On both sides of the North American coasts, a caring offer on campus
Enriching Jewish Lives in Delaware—and Tossing Pizza, Too!
North America
Two couples work to provide programming for all ages in a revitalized Wilmington
Students Gather Lots of Toys for Sick Children
Campus Life
Chabad drive at Binghamton University is as much about giving as receiving.
North America
The state has been ordered to correct a policy seenby many as unjust
Houston Boy and Family the Focus of Nationwide Compassion
North America
Child with cancer and his family receive widespread support
App Works to Spread the Light (and the Contact Info)
Internet & Technology
Referring someone to a Chabad House or college-based rabbi with the snap of a smartphone
‘Strongest Girl in the World’ Lifts Spirits Along With Weights
North America
A young girl with a big heart supports special-needs children in New Jersey
Making Lemons Into LemonAID After Storm Cancels Event
North America
JRA Philadelphia feeds more hungry people than it originally planned
Campus Life
Wintry Birthright visit is warmed by soldier’s message
Where Art and Judaism Intertwine: The Story of Chaim Leib
North America
Canadian artist finds his niche, in life as well as in his livelihood
Campus Life
Rabbis in Ariel, Israel, feed a cold and hungry student body during storm
New 'Home Away From Home' for Ohio Students
Campus Life
Young couple opens Chabad on Campus at Miami University
Mayor urges residents to stay indoors, as many take in stranded guests
Groundbreaking Unearths Jewish ‘Firsts’ for Puerto Rico
New facility for locals and tourists will offer a synagogue, a mikvah and more space
Rabbi Leads a Record 30th Birthright Trip to Israel
Campus Life
Students laud rabbi who “adds a level of spirituality, wisdom and history” to the tour
Australia & New Zealand
In Sydney, Chabad emissaries discuss their work and aim to get new projects off the ground
Holiday Watch
Leader offers warm words to the nation’s Jewish citizens and to Israel
In the Media
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