The Rebbe's Doctor
Dr. Lawrence M. Resnick, an innovative researcher in hypertension who contributed pioneering research on the metabolic syndrome—findings that potentially affected the treatment of more than 47 million Americans with the condition
A Tribute to Rabbi Yehuda Leib Raskin
On Sunday, May 2, 2004, Rabbi Leib Raskin, Chabad Lubavitch emissary to Morocco for more than 44 years, returned his soul to his Maker. He was 71 years old.
Rebbe's Emissary to Morocco
Rabbi Yehuda Leib Raskin, a legendary Chabad figure who served more than 40 years as the Lubavitcher rebbe’s emissary to Morocco, died last week of cancer in Montreal. Rabbi Raskin was 71.
Jay was so much more than a contributing writer at Chabad.org. He was a leader who blazed new pathways, taking us to places no one had dared or even imagined visiting before.
What everyone remembers most about my father was the twinkle in his eye, the radiant smile on his face and the way he always made you feel special, particularly when he was doing you a favor.
Holiday Watch
Thousands of requests each year from Jews in the armed forces, from Travis Air Force base in Texas to an army encampment in northern Iraq.
Yan a three-time European champion in the under-12 category, and played to a draw with former adult world chess champion Anatoly Karpov
Former Soviet Union
It is her one indulgence in a day of marathon travel. Snetkov took a 9-hour overnight flight to Moscow so she could spend two hours at the ritual bath required each month of all observant Jewish women.
In the Media