Chanukah is finally here!

What’s not to like about this joyous holiday?

The glowing candles bringing warmth and illumination to the surrounding darkness mirror the holiday’s message of creating more warmth and light in our lives.

This week, Samantha Barnett explores the role of spirituality and religion. Can we have one without the other? What would a spiritual but irreligious person look like? How about a religious but unspiritual individual?

Rivka Caroline provides food for thought on our personal victories and what practical steps we can take “to have a better relationship with our future self.”

In our home décor section, Rita Brownstein shares fabulous ideas for Chanukah entertaining.

And on the weekly Parshah, Rochel Holzkenner delves into the fascinating psychological role of Joseph and Benjamin and suggests that “healing will often begin only when we give ourselves permission to empathize with our vulnerability.”

Do you have a cherished Chanukah memory? What’s your favorite part of Chanukah? Please share with us.

Wishing you a happy and en-light-ening Chanukah!

Chana Weisberg,
Editor, TJW