
September 2017

For Practitioners of This Ancient and Holy Art, It's the Busiest Month of the Year
Holiday Watch
The beautiful and important custom of checking tefillin and mezuzahs in Elul
Signs of Renewal in Battered St. Thomas
Rebuilding begins slowly as aid shifts in the right direction
Approaching Yom Kippur in Hurricane-Ravaged Key West
North America
Unity the focus as residents make their way back home
Chabad Relief Planes Deliver Urgent Supplies to Puerto Rico
Private donors contribute to vital airlifts of food, water and other essentials
Friendship Circle of Los Angeles Earns $250,000 Grant
North America
Agency has touched the lives of more than 300 with special needs and their families
Terrorist Kills Three Near Jerusalem
Handgun used as Arab workers entered the village of Har Adar
A Warm New Home for Jews in Sudbury, Outside Boston
North America
Growing community in the far suburbs, right next to a nature preserve
In Numbed and Dazed Puerto Rico, ‘Beautiful’ Rosh Hashanah Services
Flooded synagogue serves as a shelter and place of worship
Anxious Puerto Rico Jewish Community Hunkers Down for Hurricane Maria
Major damage feared on island that has been a primary conduit for Caribbean aid
As High Holidays Approach the Virgin Islands, So Does Hurricane Maria
Rabbi prepares for Rosh Hashanah and a new onslaught of severe weather
Resiliency at Rosh Hashanah: Hurricane Relief Bands People Together
Holiday Watch
Recovery efforts from Houston to the Caribbean foster unity in trying times
With Fewer Young Jews in Synagogue on Rosh Hashanah, Rabbis Take to Public Parks
Holiday Watch
Hearing the shofar in unlikely places sparks participation throughout the year
First New Synagogue in 150 Years a Beacon on Vancouver Island
North America
Drawing in families and serving longtime residents in a background of art and nature
Thousands Worldwide to Celebrate Conclusion of Daily Rambam Study
Events mark the 36th annual cycle of learning
In Battered Florida, Sunday Is Volunteer Day for Hundreds of College Students
Campus Life
Chabad on Campus shifts efforts from refuge to relief and recovery
Emergency Airlift From Houston, Flotilla From Puerto Rico Deliver Aid to St. Thomas
Jewish communities near and far help out as food, water and supply crisis grows
4,000 Kosher Meals a Day Served Up at Florida Chabad Centers
North America
Cooking, serving, packing and delivering grows daily as millions remain without power
Virgin Islands Rabbi: ‘Here Not Only When the Sun Is Shining’
Caring for islanders’ spiritual and material welfare after Irma's devastation
Battered and Flooded, Florida Jewish Communities Assess Irma’s Toll
North America
Some areas are still not accessible, others were relatively spared
North America
Reaching out after new orders to evacuate from Naples up to Tampa
In the Media
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