Kaddish Service: Arrange Kaddish for a Loved One
Have kaddish recited in the Holy Land
One of the most sacred rituals observed by Jews throughout the generations is the recitation of the Mourner's Kaddish prayer for those who have passed on. Read More »
Kaddish Services in Jerusalem
We have arranged with Colel Chabad, the oldest continuously operating charity of its kind in Israel, to recite Kaddish in Jerusalem. Established in 1788 by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the organization provides direct, meaningful help to the neediest in Israel, regardless of background or affiliation, in a manner that preserves and enhances their dignity. A portion of the funds contributed for Kaddish will support widows and orphans in the Holy Land. Your gift also helps support the work of the Chabad.org website.