The Jewish year 5779 was replete with consequential events, and covered hundreds of them. We shared uplifting moments of humanity at its best and heart-wrenching stories about humanity at its worst. We were there in Pittsburgh, as a community reeled from a horrific attack and we reported from Poway, as a Chabad House came under fire. We brought our readers looks into Jewish life in far-flung locales and heralded the founding of new Chabad centers. We celebrated the achievements of extraordinary individuals, and honored the memories of people who have passed on.
As the Jewish year comes to a close and we prepare to usher in the new year of 5780, here are some of the stories readers found most compelling.
Commemoration and Rededication
Thousands marked the 25th yahrtzeit of the Rebbe — Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory — and rededicated themselves to the study of his works. The Rebbe’s resting place was visited by hundreds of thousands of people throughout the year, including this teen. The Rebbe’s positive outlook on the world was put to paper, and struck a deep chord with international audiences, as did a new articulation of the Rebbe’s teachings on humanity’s collective mission. And a sociologist wrote a fresh take on the Rebbe’s vision for the world.

Heart-Wrenching Hatred
Eleven precious souls were cut down in Pittsburgh in the deadliest anti-Semitic attack on U.S. soil, and its community mourned, regrouped and is rebuilding. The Center for Victims will continue to offer support through the High Holidays, and at all public and private commemoration events.
A Chabad synagogue in Poway came under attack by a gunman hunting for Jews. He murdered 60-year-old Lori Kaye in cold blood, and wounded three others, including Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein. Seeking to fight darkness with light, Jewish pride was the response as when a student proudly wore a kippah to his graduation, and from Poway to the White House, enacting a “Moment of Silence” in schools was encouraged. The Rebbe’s teachings on coping with tragedy were a source of solace to survivors of the shooting, including Lori Kaye’s husband Howard, who wrote about it.
In Israel, haters of the Jewish people murdered innocents indiscriminately. A teenage girl who was hiking with her family. A yeshivah student slain in Gush Etzion. A rabbi and a community activist who, though mortally wounded, fought back, saving others. A baby who was delivered prematurely and did not survive after his mother, father and five others were shot and wounded. Two workers at an industrial park. And four victims of the rocket attacks from Gaza that target civilian cities and towns in southern Israel. May G‑d avenge their blood, and may their memories be for a blessing.

Yet despite these tragedies, and in many cases in direct response to them, the main theme of the Jewish world throughout 5779 was one of hope, pride, defiance and resolve, manifested in acts of goodness and kindness, an increase in the performance of mitzvahs, and the opening of new centers and facilities around the world.
Life-Saving Measures
A Chabad rabbi became one of a handful of individuals ever to donate both a kidney and a liver, both to complete strangers. Some 150 Jewish passengers stranded in Greece enjoyed a memorable Shabbat, compliments of local Chabad emissaries, and we looked back 40 years later at the Chabad effort that saved 1,800 Iranian children.

Legislation, Proclamations, and an Apology
Chassidim were instrumental in passing the First Step Act, a sweeping package of criminal justice reform. In a tradition that started with Jimmy Carter, the president proclaimed “Education Day” on the anniversary of the birth of the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—and honored the Rebbe’s vision for education in society. As the Jewish community marked the 75th yahrtzeit of the Rebbe’s father, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, we looked back at the KGB’s belated apology for his persecution and death. And In California, a landmark ‘Mezuzah Bill’ enhanced religious liberty and Jewish pride.

Remote, Remarkable Places brought readers a glimpse into Jewish life deep in the Amazon rainforest. We found out what it’s like to be a Chassidic woman in Muslim-majority Morocco, and we visited Chabad Houses in balmy Aruba and historic Barcelona.

We celebrated the lives of those who have passed, but are remembered for their impact on the world around them. Herman Wouk, 103, stood out for his steadfast belief and observance, fueled by a deep, decades-long relationship with the Rebbe. Rabbi Tzemach Cunin, 43, founded Chabad of Century City, Calif., and touched the lives of so many. Samantha Josephson, 21, was remembered fondly for brightening her surroundings in a life that ended far too young at the brutal hands of a murderer. Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Landa, 100, was the last survivor of the World War II-era Chabad yeshivah in Shanghai. Rabbi Sholom Mendel Simpson, 90, was a member of the Rebbe’s Secretariat who was actively involved in the publication of “Igros Kodesh,” the Rebbe’s correspondences. Rabbi Yona Avtzon, 61, brought couples together as a matchmaker and brought the Rebbe’s teachings to the world as a prolific publisher. Berel Raskin, 84, a Chassidic fishmonger, was a Brooklyn icon. Ohio lost two pioneering emissaries: Rabbi Mendel Sasonkin, 54, who taught and inspired a generation; and Rebbetzin Shula Kazen, 96, who guided and inspired thousands during decades of communal leadership.

Growth and Celebration
We covered the opening of new Chabad centers around the world, in addition to the burgeoning expansion of existing ones. Sunny St. Lucia is now home to a permanent Jewish community. So is Kyoto, Japan, and Kigali, Rwanda. As New York City neighborhoods continue to evolve, Chabad opened up centers in the West Village and the South Bronx. New Chabad Houses were dedicated in Flagstaff, Ariz.; Burlington, Vt.; and Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H. Brand-new mikvahs opened in Seoul and Malta to name just two of many more.
The 53,000-square-foot LifeTown center in New Jersey will redefine treatment and inclusion for those with special needs, and provide a welcome resource for families. It will also offer life-skills training so greater numbers of people of all ages can integrate into the larger community and the workplace. Shuttered for 332 years, a 13th-century synagogue was rededicated in Budapest. And 10 years after the horrific Mumbai attacks, new emissaries are championing a Jewish school, building on the legacy of Chabad emissaries Gabi and Rivky Holtzberg. And as more and more young Israelis find themselves at home in Chabad Houses in the Far East, Thailand is giving Nepal a run at the title of world’s biggest Passover Seder.

We hope that you've found these stories to be informative, inspirational and important, and we invite you to keep up-to-date on Jewish news from around the world throughout the year by subscribing to our bi-weekly email newsletter on the home page, and by liking and visiting the Chabad-Lubavitch News Facebook page here. We look forward to your comments to this and all our articles.
As Rosh Hashanah —this year celebrated from sunset on Sept. 29 to nightfall on Oct. 1—draws near, may your coming new year be filled with health, happiness and only good news.
--The Team
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