
January 2020

As Coronavirus Spreads, Shabbat Refuge Sought in Homes and in Quarantine
Much of China is on lockdown and facing short food supplies
‘Living Torah’ to Tell 70 Inspiring Stories in 70 Weeks
New series format tied to 70th anniversary of the Rebbe’s leadership
Presidential Campaign Staffers ‘Caucus for Shabbat’ in Iowa
North America
Amid divisive primary, Jewish campaign staffers get together over Friday-night dinner
Jewish Communities in China Face Spread of Deadly Virus
The country’s 15 Chabad emissary couples help reassure residents and tourists
Still Fighting Anti-Semitism, 93-year Old Holocaust Survivor Cherishes His Bar Mitzvah
North America
Henry Eisen cites the ‘warmth of Chabad’ in decision to affirm his Judaism
Young Professionals Take in Jewish Pride on the Streets of Brooklyn
North America
Hundreds gather for a vibrant Shabbaton weekend
Chabad of Japan to provide prayers, Torah study, mitzvahs, kosher food and a home away from home
Learn How to Fix Your Most Precious Possession: Yourself
‘Character Over Conflict’ a free online course on personal character development
A Mother’s Passing Brings Together a New Jersey Community
North America
Neighbors of all backgrounds step up to help a grieving family
Shlomo Eckstein, 91, Former President of Bar-Ilan University
Economics professor served in many philanthropic positions
A Capital Idea: Chanukah Celebrations State by State
Holiday Watch
More than 30 states saw Chanukah events at capitol buildings and governors’ mansions
Worldwide Learning in the Merit of Toronto Yeshiva Head
North America
Study offered in 35 cities worldwide and online for Rabbi Akiva Wagner
‘We’ve Made Contact With Chabad,’ Raises a Cheer on Diverted El Al Flight
North America
Passenger pens note of gratitude after unexpected Shabbat in Halifax
Cambodian Royal Family Celebrates Its First Bat Mitzvah
The daughter of a princess who converted to Judaism comes of age
Puerto Rico Chabad Earthquake Relief Underway After Devastation
Fund established to aid in the recovery from strongest quake since 1918
Amid Catastrophic Bushfires, Hope and Support From Australia’s Jewish Community
Australia & New Zealand
Some 250 Jewish families affected by worst bushfires in country’s history
Sonia Kaplan, 98, Stood Up to Stalinist Persecution and Raised Chassidic Family
She inspired her children and grandchildren to spread Judaism around the world
Critically Injured Monsey Victim Is a Beloved Scholar Who Collected for the Poor
North America
Friends and students recall Hungarian-born Yosef Neumann as a font of Chassidic warmth and traditiion
In the Media
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