
April 2020

Rabbi Moshe Zaklikofsky, 72, Dedicated Editor and Caring Rabbi
His attention extended to every individual and every text with signature quiet love
French Rabbis’ Regional Conference Moves Online
150 rabbis join by webcam at 21st-annual gathering
Rochel Yehudis Charytan, 65, Longtime Chabad Emissary to Winnipeg
A patient friend and tireless advocate for the mitzvot of Shabbat candle-lighting, challah and mikvah
Camp Directors Plan for Summer: What Are the Alternatives?
North America
Shaping programs to conform to local circumstances amid coronavirus uncertainty
Rabbi Binyamin Wolff, 43, Devoted Rabbi of Hanover, Germany
Leaves eight children; community recalls emissary’s warmth, generosity and dedication
Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron, 79, Former Chief Rabbi of Israel
Remembered as a wise scholar and ‘man of the people’
Decades Before Zoom, The Rebbe Used Interactive Video to Connect the World
News Insight & Commentary
In 1989, the ‘Chanukah Live’ program showed satellite technology can advance connectedness, peace and unity
Interview: How to Find Purpose in Isolation
Rabbi Tuvia Teldon to host a four-week online course on individual aspiration
Yitzchok Kosofsky, 89, the CPA Behind Kosher Milk for Chicago
He was a dedicated volunteer for many projects to spread Judaism
Rabbi Don Yoel Levy, 72, International Leader in Kosher Supervision
Head of OK Kosher was universally respected for principles and scholarship
Alone, COVID-19 Victims Hear Final Prayers Online
Hospital staff stand in for family and clergy
Rabbi Avraham Hakohen (‘Romi’) Cohn, 91, New York, N.Y.
Circumcised tens of thousands at no cost to others
Rebbetzin Rachel Altein, 95, Pioneering Educator, Activist and Editor
An energetic leader and personal mentor to hundreds, she worked under the Rebbe’s guidance for decades
Reb Mottel Chein, 81, Chassidic Mentor and Community Activist
A printer by trade, and a lover of G-d and the Jewish people by inclination
Memorial ‘Yizkor’ Prayers to Be Said at Home on Final Day of Passover
Holiday Watch
Unlike Kaddish, it does not require the presence of a minyan
Jewish Homes Worldwide to Conclude Passover With ‘Moshiach’s Meal’
Holiday Watch
In a world reeling from coronavirus, a taste of an infinitely better future
Poway Victim Lori Kaye’s First Yahrtzeit Observed in Solitude
North America
Community marks the first anniversary of the horrific synagogue shooting
Rabbi Sholom Eidelman, 84, Served Moroccan Jewry for More Than 60 Years
Devoted educator was among the longest-serving Chabad emissaries in the world
With Synagogues Closed, Omer App Sees Spike in Use and New Downloads
Holiday Watch
A daily reminder, inspiration and more on Android and iOS devices
Rabbi Yehudah Leib Groner, 88, Aided the Rebbe for More Than Four Decades
Sought to ease the Rebbe’s burden and facilitate his work however possible
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