June 2020
North America
Long Island cardiology assistant Elisheva Gilman-Smith on coping with crisis
Hundreds of thousands of attendees join from around the world
Photo Gallery
Petition read by Rabbi Abraham Shemtov amid social distancing
The longtime Yeshiva University leader, who died at 92, placed Chassidic thought at center of his ‘centrist’ project
An appreciation that reflects on Lamm’s personal reception of Chassidism’s living heritage, the place of Chassidism in his scholarly work, his engagement with Chassidism in the fashioning of his famous derashot (sermons), and on Chassidism as his preferred model for developing the relationship between Torah and worldly knowledge.
Book Bag
Tzvi Freeman’s ‘Meditations and Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’ honored as best book on religion and spirituality
Global gathering features speakers from around the world
Events abound online and, following local guidelines, in person
He’s a chef, she’s a medical student; finally, they are married
Became an anchor of Montreal’s Jewish community after fleeing the Soviet Union
Jerusalem native inspired many in Buffalo, N.Y. area
Served families in Chabad synagogue adjacent to Brooklyn yeshivah
Internet & Technology
Friendship Circle program features celebrities the kids can relate to
North America
Need increases as effects of social distancing continue to ripple outward
‘It’s a fun way to bring closure,’ says Chicago-area high school senior Hailey Jakofsky
North America
An international effort to show ‘kindness, patience and hope are also highly contagious’
North America
JNet director Rabbi Yehuda Dukes, 38, continues to inspire
She survived the Holocaust to become the matriarch of a Chassidic dynasty
His bellwether ‘Mitzvah Bus’ brought Torah to thousands
Internet & Technology
PresentMode offers attention to the immediate while being available for urgent calls
In the Media