
Soviet Era

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The Rebbe dispatched emissaries to accommodate the spiritual and material needs of those Jews who remained in the former Soviet Union, ensuring that Russian Jewry would endure not only in body but also in soul.
This Russian-born, wandering Jewess went from one end of the Soviet Union to another, from Asia to Western Europe, and finally to the not-so-welcoming arms of North Africa. Now in her eighties, Mrs. Pinson is still very much spry, effusive, and well-dress...
Rabbi Eliezer Zusia Portugal, the Rebbe of Skulen, had connections that would enable him to arrange the escape from Romania, at the cost of $2,000 per family
A Personal Family Saga Spanning Five Generations
An extraordinary address by Professor David Luchins, chair of Touro College’s department of political science and a longtime advisor to the late New York Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, at the gala banquet of the International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch...
Late at night, under Soviet rule
It was necessary to get people that could be relied upon to keep a secret. Within half an hour, the room held nine men. Only one was missing, a tenth man for the minyan. What did the rabbi do?
Dr. David Luchins served on the staff of US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan for twenty years. He reveals the Rebbe’s influence in bringing down the Iron Curtain.
Soviet-Era Survivor Educated Her Family in Freedom
Chana Schapiro, a lifelong Chabad-Lubavitch Chasid known for her devotion to her children's education, passed away yesterday in Brooklyn, N.Y. She was 94.
Velvel Averbuch, now 84, was 14 when Soviet policemen discovered a secret Chasidic gathering he participated in with classmates of an underground Jewish school. Today, he lives in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Rabbi Elezer Nanas, who worked for the Lubavitch underground yeshiva network in the Soviet Union and spent years helping Jerusalem’s youth before his death in 1997, was posthumously honored this week at a ceremony renaming a Jerusalem street after him.
The challenge presented by the Soviet gulags and the KGB pale in comparison to the challenge we face in today's Western society.
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