
Merkos Shlichut (Roving Rabbis)

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Shaliach (37)
A pair of “Roving Rabbis” visited the Jewish communities of Serbia, finding both the remembrance of history and a hope for the future in their members.
A Report from Cyprus
Getzy Markowitz is part of a group of students who are visiting communities across the island of Cyprus. Some excerpts of Markowitz's daily report.
Chabad-Lubavitch rabbinical Students are in Cyprus for the summer
Baila, who fled Nazi Europe as a young girl, wept as her 5-year-old granddaughter kissed a mezuzah for the first time. Paula, who grew up in New Jersey and married a non-Jew, has mixed feelings about her own daughter's discovery of Judaism...
"Shalom Gefiltefish!" was the salutation that greeted us upon encountering the smiling face of Mr. B. To our credit, we didn't bat an eye. Hardened by two weeks of searching out Jews in the hamlets and backroads of Montana, in which we'd heard just about ...
My father-in-law, the Rebbe, instituted “Merkos Shlichus,” whereby Yeshiva students volunteer each summer to visit remote Jewish communities in order to raise awareness of Torah, Mitzvos and Judaism.
Most of us see the summer months as an opportunity to relax with time off from work or school. Not so the Previous Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson. In fact, far from relaxing, he launched a special program to take advantage of the vacation.
They welcome refugees, distribute food and lead religious services
As soon as a river of Jewish refugees began streaming out of Ukraine, it became clear that Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries in Europe needed more manpower—and fast. In response to the urgent pleas for help, the Ukraine Jewish Relief Fund opened a relief desk, ...
A special mission to inspire a Jew in the most isolated city in the world.
A chance meeting with ‘Roving Rabbis’ leads to an unexpected milestone
Let me tell you a little story. It was a cloudless day on Monday in Telluride, Colo., a small Western town high in the Rocky Mountains filled with forests and rivers. This is my eighth year visiting my son Matthew in Telluride, and I have made many friend...
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