
October 2021

At the Rebbe’s Ohel, Emissaries Reconnect and Recommit
Praying on behalf of the communities they serve and the entire Jewish people
Rabbi Schneur Zalman Blumenfeld, 58, Chief Chabad Emissary in Peru
Established Jewish programs for the nation’s 2,500 Jewish residents
Iran’s Chief Rabbi Meets Global Rabbinic Leaders on Visit to New York
Middle East
Chief Rabbi Yehuda Gerami received brotherly reception from rabbinical colleagues from around the globe
Mysterious Holocaust Survivor’s Skull Given Jewish Burial in California
North America
Who was the man with the numbers on his arm?
Bucking Trends, $100 Million in Capital Campaigns Highlight Chabad’s Continued Growth
North America
Confronting the challenges of Covid, people from across the spectrum of Jewish life flock to Chabad.
What Happens After We Die?
Four-week course on the Jewish idea of an afterlife begins on Tuesday, Nov. 3
Chabad Makes Unexpected Shabbat in Sochi for Israel’s Prime Minister Bennett
Former Soviet Union
Hastily-arranged services and meals for Israel delegation to Russia
Thousands of Boys to Join Chabad Emissary Conference in Person and Online
International gathering begins on Thursday, Oct. 28
Surrounded by 600 Friends, Russian Couple Ties Knot in UAE’s Biggest Jewish Wedding
Middle East
Wedding came during the yearly FSU-wide Yachad Torah-study program trip
‘Of Miracles, Medicine and Mindsets’: A Chabad Couple’s Fight for Their Baby’s Life
Book Bag
A compelling account of parental faith
The Ups and Downs and Ups of Jewish Life in Kingston, N.Y.
North America
New mikvah opening Sunday, Oct. 24, highlights community growth
Iconic Group Photo at Chabad Rabbinic Conference Gets New Focus
Pandemic concerns at forefront amid preparations for 38th annual emissaries’ meeting
From Berlin to Basel: ‘Daily Jewish Wisdom’ Makes for a ‘Guten Tag’
Daily Chassidism podcast in German tops the charts
Learning How to Trust in Uncertain Times: Ancient Text Is a Modern Guide
Book Bag
New volume spurs worldwide study of Shaar HaBitachon (‘The Gate of Trust’)
Scholars to Apply Rebbe’s Social Vision to World’s Most Challenging Problems
Conference hosted on Zoom from Oct. 11 to Oct. 14
A Double Bar Mitzvah Celebration in Remote Northern Australia
Australia & New Zealand
A community comes together after a canceled celebration in Israel
Destitute Holocaust Survivor Saved From Cremation in China, Buried in Israel
A call for help in Shenzhen from an elderly sister in Ohio leads to international effort
In the Media
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