March 2023
Ukraine War
More Jews than ever will be reached by Chabad-Lubavitch
Holiday Watch
Initiative began 30 years ago targeting college students at their spring break hotspots
JewQ competition draws 800 to Connecticut and thousands watching online
Book Bag
Book Review: Social Vision: The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Transformative Paradigm for the World, by Philip Wexler with Eli Rubin and Michael Wexler
“Original and dynamic” sociologist “moved academic mountains”
North America
“Being Jewish is what carried me throughout my time in jail,” says Sara
Holiday Watch
Packing food boxes for those in need and an outdoor matzah bakery for the kids
Holiday Watch
A rarity in the 1950s has become a national food trend
Ohr Chabad to open in the coming months in the Yatir forest in southern Israel
Holiday Watch
Uplifting art, modern translation, and clear typography propel the new hardcover edition into a classic
Book Bag
Author Jonah Simcha Chaim Muskat-Brown on his latest book, ‘Expanding Potential’
Holiday Watch
In 1948, almost nobody in L.A. knew about shmurah matzah; now everybody wants it
Holiday Watch
Jewish Braille Institute partners with Kehot Publication Society
Holiday Watch
Traditional shmurah matzo was still a rarity in post-World War II New York
Ukraine War
With the war grinding on, Ukraine’s Jews look to their faith for joy
Holiday Watch
From Argentina to Ukraine, joining together to celebrate and help others
A lifelong educator, mentor and role model
Ukraine War
Life-saving work funded in advance of 29th anniversary of the Rebbe’s passing
A spiritual journey to the past helps participants shape their present
In the Media