August 2023
Ukraine War
Rabbi Mendy and Mushky Halperin, and their son, Ari, have joined Chabad of Chernovtzy’s team
Chabad’s Tamim Academy starts a new school year in cities around North America
Deli 613 draws residents old and new, both Jewish tourists and non-Jewish Dubliners
South America
Three weeks of tragedy and hope on first Spanish-language trip for youth
North America
Shelter, food and supplies in Kelowna
Thousands have learned and grown at Mayanot Institute
North America
Collaboration between the Navy, Aleph Institute and Orthodox Union
Suspects arrested in Hebron after drive-by shooting of Batsheva Nagari
South America
Hakhel year gathering largest since before pandemic
Holiday Watch
The beautiful and important custom of checking tefillin and mezuzahs in Elul
Chabad emissary, a former Israeli officer, faces the loss of his own son
Nes Tziona resident pledges to put on tefillin daily
North America
Desperate search for refuge from blazes that killed 114, destroyed homes and businesses
North America
Centers offer services to residents and tourists alike
Former Soviet Union
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson remembered on the anniversary of his passing
North America
Survey shows that 25 percent of all who attend Jewish programs engage with Chabad
Completion follows a months-long international effort
Book Bag
Rochel Kaplan’s ‘Triumph of Truth’ presents profound insights into the human condition
Campus Life
Long a fixture, Chabad mitzvah stands have become a bulwark against hate speech
Community leaders and rabbis from Europe and Israel gather in Porto
In the Media