
1997 Stories

The expanded Sandy Springs, Ga. Chabad-Lubavitch center offers many daily programs, including a Hebrew school for children who learn differently.
The World Is Becoming A Feminine Place
Interview with Chaya Epstein, Chabad-Lubavitch emissary to Chicago
A Harvard graduate and mother of two, Chaya Epstein, 30, is emerging as a feminist teacher of unique ilk.
It’s Our Turn
Seder in Katmandu
Flying into Katmandu is a little like arriving in heaven with a window seat.
New Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries to Berlin tackle community re-building, student outreach and even adult circumcision as means of reversing the oppression of years past.
Mezuzah drive provides opportunity for Moscow's Jews to proclaim their identity
Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the Tanya
Born at a time of bloody revolutions and a changing world order, the Tanya seeks to achieve a change in the way Jews perceive themselves in the world.
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