Parshah Columnists
300 items in this section
Guest Columnists
![]() The Amazing Number Eight Life Lessons From the Parshah - Shemini
![]() When Saying Nothing Is the Right Thing to Say I tried to explain to my friend how people react to grief and mourning differently. Looking back, I wish I could take back my words. In a misguided attempt to make her “feel better” or “fix the situation,” I was negating her emotions.
![]() Spiritual Molecules Would our rabbis be more successful in getting their message across if they exchanged their black frocks for white lab coats?
![]() Nutrition in the News: Is It Kosher? Shemini
So we’ve come to realize the subtle but potentially dire effects on our food, but do we ever consider our food’s spiritual “profiles”? Does the food or drink that we consume affect us on a spiritual plane, on a soul level, influencing our character and natural tendencies?
![]() Is It All About Getting Spiritually High? Our natural human desire to get close to G-d sometimes leads us to pursue methods of religious ecstasy. Yet our human desire to be close to G-d may well be at odds with G-d’s divine desire to be close to us.
![]() The Mitzvot You Don't Enjoy Do you prefer some parts of Judaism over others? What do you do about the unexciting parts?
![]() The Festivals Are a Great Equalizer Even the uninformed are regarded as “pure”
during the major festivals. Why?
![]() Can Kosher Make Sense? The distinction between the permitted animals and the forbidden animals raises a question that has occupied many commentators.
![]() Are You an Ox Jew or a Fish Jew? Judaism isn’t only for the spiritual-minded or for those who more easily connect to the experience.
![]() A Silence That’s More Than Words Self-recrimination and senseless regret only compound the inevitable pain.
Torah Insights
![]() The Secret Symbolism of the Calf and Goat While the calf immediately evokes the story of the golden calf, finding the meaning of the goat is a bit harder.
![]() Happy and Sad at the Same Time The holy Zohar states, “Weeping is lodged in one side of my heart, and joy is lodged in the other.”
![]() The Paradox of Eight When we encounter the number eight in the Torah, the Torah is alerting us that the topic we are discussing is one that transcends the natural expectation.
For Friday Night
![]() And Aaron Was Silent... The power to be silent at certain moments of life and of history is an important strength.
![]() Recognitions Moments of recognition of the Divine. Gentle, almost imperceptible. But real.
![]() Kosher Inside There is the personal spiritual dimension of the kosher laws. The idea that some animals are kosher – which literally means "fit" and suitable – and others are not, tells us something about ourselves.
Weekly Torah
![]() Earthen Vessels There is an interesting distinction made in Jewish law between different types of utensils.
Life's Passages
![]() Nutrition in the News: Is It Kosher? Shemini
So we’ve come to realize the subtle but potentially dire effects on our food, but do we ever consider our food’s spiritual “profiles”? Does the food or drink that we consume affect us on a spiritual plane, on a soul level, influencing our character and natural tendencies?
![]() What’s Kosher About a Pig? Shemini
The physical symbols of kosher animals represent spiritual characteristics.
Weekly Sermonette
![]() Just Do It As they say in Yiddish, Apetit kumt mit'n essen. (Trust Jews when it comes to food)
![]() Siblings in Synch Cain killed Abel in a fit of jealousy. The enmity between Isaac and Ishmeal endures to this very day. Jacob and Esau. Joseph and his brothers. Finally, we have Moses and Aaron...
![]() Why We Keep Kosher I often joke that if the kosher laws were for health, then all the rabbis should look like Schwarzenegger!
![]() Why Is Swine So Reviled? Why single out the poor pig? Halachically, a cheeseburger is actually “worse!”
Parshah Insights
Inner Stream
![]() Don’t Blame Yourself Don’t feel guilty. You meant well, and that in itself deserves credit.
What the Rebbe Taught Me
![]() Peace Through Peace Moses brought the Torah down to earth, but Aaron brought G‑d down to earth. Why was only Aaron's invitation for G‑d to dwell on earth accepted?
![]() The Alt-Neu (Old-New) Jew Lessons on Torah commentary and Jewish creativity on the topic of applying the ancient to the contemporary.
Parshah Blog
![]() When Moses Consoled Aaron In the cold night of Aaron's despair, having disastrously lost his two sons, Moses offered a platitude—when, given his unimaginable loss, Aaron needed comfort.
Living through the Parshah
![]() When Aaron Got Cold Feet Aaron was eighty-four years old, a venerable sage and a dedicated leader. He’d been primed for his role as high priest and had rehearsed the sacrificial procedure for seven days. Why the cold feet?
![]() Does Very Religious Mean Very Uptight? Isn’t religion just another way to feel safe?
Parshah Musings
![]() A Tale of Two Extremes Is this the culmination of our becoming a nation? Instead of sitting and basking in the presence of G‑d, we're expected to leaf our way through a description of scavenging beasts!
What Do You Think?
![]() Will Climbing Mt. Everest Get Me Closer To G‑d? Many have been led to believe that spirituality translates as “shunning the physical and living an ascetic existence.” The further people distance themselves from worldliness, the closer they are to the divine. Judaism has a very different opinion on the matter . . .
![]() Afraid? Good! It was precisely because Aaron did not seek power or prestige that he was chosen to a position of leadership. Now try telling that to our wannabee politicians…
![]() The Mysterious Life and Death of Nadab and Abihu, Sons of Aaron Nadab and Abihu are mentioned briefly in Scripture as two men who came too close to G-d and died in the Tabernacle under mysterious circumstances.
Reflections on the Parshah
![]() Strange Fires The "strange fire" brought in to the sanctuary by Aaron's two sons can be easily identified in many of today's sanctuaries too.
![]() Un-Kosher Kindness Why is a "kind" bird included amongst the forbidden fowl?
Parshah Moment
![]() The Greatest Memorial The most eloquent Holocaust Memorial I've ever seen? Survivors dancing at their grandchildren's weddings and great-grandchildren's bar mitzvahs
Parshah Parenting
The Freeman Files
![]() What is the Jewish View on Martyrdom? I know that there are religions in which it's a great thing to die for your faith, and doing so makes you a saint or gets you a ticket to paradise. What is the Jewish view? Is a person supposed to die for his beliefs?
![]() Two Questions About Kosher It would be absurd to think that G-d gave us the Torah as a sort of bandage for His mistakes. "Oops! I didn't mean to put those nasty animals there! People might eat them! What do I do now?"
![]() Do We Love Too Much? A love relationship can thus be compared to an electrical circuit: should the resistance fall, the circuit will “short” and burn out.
![]() Holy Lunch Have you ever closed a deal, celebrated your marriage (or its anniversary), or simply spent time with a good friend—without eating something together? Why do our teeth, gullet and stomach figure so prominently in who, how, where and with whom we are?
More Parshah Articles
![]() All About Kosher: How-To Wizards, Guides, Essays and Stories What is kosher? How to keep kosher? What does it mean? All that and more, including stories, essays, videos and classes.
Covenant & Conversation
![]() Fire – Holy and Unholy Religion is not what the European Enlightenment thought it would become: mute, marginal and mild.
![]() Reticence vs. Impetuosity It should have been a day of joy. But tragedy struck.
Beyond Speech
![]() On the Haftarah: Serve G‑d With Joy For the haftarah of Parshat Shemini, From the Teachings of the Rebbe
As the Aron proceeded, David
danced and leaped before G‑d. His wife Michal, daughter of King Saul, saw what
he was doing and was displeased.
![]() The Inner Meaning of Split Hooves and Chewing the Cud You should nt just be going through the motions of love and fear superficially, but it should truly affect you to the core.
Other Parshas
- Bereshit
- Noach
- Lech Lecha
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- Vayigash
- Vayechi
- Shemot
- Va'era
- Bo
- Beshalach
- Yitro
- Mishpatim
- Terumah
- Tetzaveh
- Ki Tisa
- Vayakhel
- Pekudei
- Vayikra
- Tzav
- Shemini
- Tazria
- Metzora
- Acharei Mot
- Kedoshim
- Emor
- Behar
- Bechukotai
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- Naso
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- Shelach
- Korach
- Chukat
- Balak
- Pinchas
- Matot
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- Devarim
- Va'etchanan
- Eikev
- Re'eh
- Shoftim
- Ki Teitzei
- Ki Tavo
- Nitzavim
- Vayelech
- Haazinu
- V'Zot HaBerachah
- Vayakhel-Pekudei
- Tazria-Metzora
- Acharei-Kedoshim
- Behar-Bechukotai
- Chukat-Balak
- Matot-Masei
- Nitzavim-Vayelech
- Rosh Hashanah
- Yom Kippur
- Sukkot
- Shemini Atzeret
- Simchat Torah
- Chanukah
- Purim
- Passover
- Shavuot
- Shekalim
- Zachor
- Parah
- Hachodesh
- Rosh Chodesh
- Fast Days