
Talmud Study - Lesson 1

An Introduction to Talmud

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Talmud Study - Lesson 1: An Introduction to Talmud

This introductory class to Talmud explores the rich history of the Oral Tradition, explains the structure of the Talmud, introduces some of its famed personalities and presents the layout of the Talmud page.
Timeline from the Giving of the Torah  
Map of Babylonia  
Six Orders of the Mishnah  
Sample Talmud Page Layout  
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Oral Torah, Bava Metzia, Talmud

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Yisrael savigne Chicago October 30, 2024

Shalom love the talmud how can I become talmudic scholar or expert ? Reply

Natasja The Netherlands Hulst May 30, 2024

Thank you very much. Baruch Hashem. Shalom for Israël. Reply

Cayle Dominic Da Costa Mumbai May 7, 2024

Great wisdom. Thanks for sharing. Baruch Hashem. Reply

Ryan MacDonald Stockton-on-Tees October 29, 2023

Why is a non Jew referred to as an lower than an animal? Reply

Tamir Mori plainview October 30, 2023
in response to Ryan MacDonald:

Where do you see that? Reply

Sammy August 3, 2023

Hi Rabbi Wolf! I really enjoyed the way you explained things in a way that someone like me, who has very little background in the Talmud, can understand. The way you teach is very engaging and I find it helps to take notes as you go along. Reply

Shervin M New York via JewishTV Android May 21, 2023

Excellent for beginners. Thank you! Reply

Chelsea Taiwan March 21, 2023

I require a rabbi to study Talmud with. Reply

Eremias Illinois March 16, 2023

What's the best way for someone to balance Talmud study with other duties in life, especially for someone whose living is not connected to Talmud? Reply

Dorothy Rosenberg Woodland September 15, 2022

I can help but wonder how these laws could be used by the unscrupulous to take advantage of people of lesser means. Reply

Morris Las Vegas December 16, 2023
in response to Dorothy Rosenberg:

That is exactly why ALL Jews should understand this. As of years past, without understanding Judaism and how it functions, The Goyim could convert the "People of lesser means." Since the Goyim Text is not that difficult and makes you feel like you understand everything. Jews that do have this knowledge can explain to the "Jews of lesser means" the Truth. We could see this in the Jewish conversion to christianity and Muslim or Islam, religions that promise everything and make you feel that you know everything. This has a higher potential of leading the unsuspecting person to Evil. Reply

Anonymous August 18, 2022

Should a prayer be recited before reading from Talmud Reply

Eliezer Zalmanov for August 18, 2022
in response to Anonymous :

A general blessing is recited prior to Torah study. You can learn details about this here: Reply

Flavio Telles July 11, 2022

Esses videos podiam ser legendados para português! Reply

saundra yanna February 3, 2022

Ahh, I see them. But, not in the app, only when viewing from traditional online access. Many thanks. Reply

Saundra Yanna Michigan February 2, 2022

Wonderful class! Are the supporting worksheets still available? I don’t see them under the video player.

Sandy Reply Staff February 2, 2022
in response to Saundra Yanna:

Yes they are still available, look for the word "handouts" under the player, there are several links there to the handouts. Reply

Zvi Zobin Yerushalayim August 16, 2021

Brilliant - Thank you
One point - On a simplistic basis, Rashi teaches us how understand and Tosefus teaches us how to think - that's why we need both on the page.
My Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi CP Scheinberg z"l told us that when he was in the Mir in Europe, the Rov of Mir - Rav Kamai z"l would come into the yeshiva and the giants of the yeshiva would surround him and fire their difficult questions at him, and he would answer all their questions with diyukim in Rashi. Reply

Tamir Mori May 3, 2021

This was Amazing. I'm trying to watch it again and the video is not playing though... -( Reply

Massimo Lavagnini Milan via April 10, 2021

Thanks, the topic is very interesting. I am wondering if there is a transcript of the lessons. Reply

Rita Aleal February 25, 2021

Thank you for such an interesting beginning. I look forward to next. Reply

Andrés Dominican Republic January 4, 2021

Thank you for making such valuable video. Reply

Jemima Bence Vellore632009 via April 26, 2020

Is the work sheets& handout available in english Reply

Gary G Tate N. Dinwiddie February 23, 2020

Shalom my friend, were can I get the book and work sheets and learn and classes? Reply Staff March 2, 2020
in response to Gary G Tate:

Hi Gary, you can find the worksheets in PDF format under the class player window. The actual text of the Talmud is composed of numerous volumes and they are available for sale in Judaica stores online and offline. Reply

Hujat Afghanistan March 25, 2020
in response to Staff:

Why sale? It should be free! Religion should not be for business purposes. Reply

Elizabeth Alcoba Olney March 28, 2020
in response to Hujat:

Hujat, if you were to purchase a Tanach (Bible) or other book, religious or other, you should expect to pay for it. The worksheets and other resources on Chabad, including these video lessons, are all free. They also cost money and time to produce; would you also expect that books for your own home library, religious or other be available for free? I do not understand this mentality friend.

Bear in mind that the rather numerous volumes of the Talmud are expensive to produce, especially if they are bound in leather, with quality paper. Even the creation of paper backs costs money to make. It is a personal purchase for your own library! All religious books that I have accumulated over time I have paid for myself (other than gifts). It's an investment in learning. Please google "Set of Talmud volumes" and take a look at what you're asking them to provide you for free. But you can try online, search for Daf Yomi and find online access to the Talmud. Good luck in your studies. Reply