Fun fact: More than a billion people in over 180 countries use WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends and family. Some of them are lucky enough to get Jewish content from
Here’s what you need to know to get into the game: Our WhatsApp number is +1 (570) 543-2125. You need to save that number in order to receive our messages.
- Message us with the word “CHABAD,” and we’ll add you to our main list.
- Message us with the word “LETTERS,” and get enlightening letters written by the Rebbe.
- message us with the word “LUACH,” and get our weekly calendar of customs and Jewish practices (PDF).
We also have some amazing silent WhatsApp groups for you to join:
- Click this link to get Rabbi Tzvi Freeman's Daily Dose of Wisdom
- Click this link to get the Quiz of the Week
We look forward to seeing you on WhatsApp!
The WhatsApp Team