We are pleased to invite you to join a special event that celebrates the completion of the 43rd Rambam study cycle.
The event will take place this coming Thursday, 18 Adar II - March 28, 2024.
The program will highlight the transformational study that tens of thousands participate in daily that empowers the individual and unites our people:
We will hear from people of all walks of life who participate in this daily study program and who have been impacted by it:
Elyakim Rubinstein
Former Vice President of the Supreme Court of Israel
Story of Heroism
Hadas Lowenstein
Wife of the late Rav Elisha Lowenstein - IDF Soldier
Beginning Anew
Tamir Goodman
The “Jewish Jordan”
Why an Entrepreneur Learns Rambam
Joshua Levin
Businessman and Entrepreneur
Program Host
Rabbi Shais Taub
International Speaker and Lecturer
Aryeh Leib Horowitz
Musical Accompaniment:
David Twito
We hope you can join us! Tune in live on Thursday, 18 Adar II - March 28, 2024 at 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific at www.chabad.org/transformational
We can’t wait to celebrate together with you!