Chabad Lubavitch of Warsaw kindled the Chanukah menorah in the Polish Parliament with senators, deputies and the legislative body’s vice marshal, Stefan Niesiolowski.

Rabbi Shalom Ber Stambler, who presided over the Dec. 15 celebration, saw significance in the gathering taking place on the third night of the eight day holiday.

“The number three is significant in Jewish law,” said Stambler. “It symbolizes something constant.”

Using his message to address all of the country’s Jews, Stambler went on to encourage them to remain true to their values just like the Maccabees in the story of Chanukah.

“Let’s appreciate the fact that we live in the center of modern Europe in a country that is free and open to various religions,” he stated. “Today, we can really be ourselves.”

Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Shalom Ber Stambler kindles the Chanukah menorah with Polish Parliament Vice Marshal Stefan Niesiolowski.
Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Shalom Ber Stambler kindles the Chanukah menorah with Polish Parliament Vice Marshal Stefan Niesiolowski.