Famed Talmudic, Chassidic and scientific scholar Rabbi Adin (Even Yisroel) Steinsaltz joined an audience at Chabad-Lubavitch of Westmount, Canada, for a conversation on all things kabbalah, science and Torah.
The conversation, now available online at www.Jewish.TV, the multimedia portal of Chabad.org, spans Steinsaltz’s many areas of expertise, from physics and chemistry to kabbalah and Talmud, on which he has written a highly-acclaimed translation and commentary. The frank and informal discussion includes a variety of topics, from politics to mysticism.
As a resident of Jerusalem, Steinsaltz addresses a request from the audience for the “truth, not propaganda” about Israeli attitudes and morale over the war in Gaza, and offers unique perspectives on contemporary politics in the Jewish state.
As author of a widely-read commentary on the Tanya, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi’s seminal work on Chassidic philosophy, Steinsaltz discusses the impact of the Tanya on Jewish thought and practice, referencing various sources and structures in culture and literature.
With high audience interaction, quality questions and intriguing answers and remarks throughout, the recorded video also showcases interspersed singing of niggunim (Chassidic melodies) with the audience.
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