With less than a month to go to Passover, preparations for the festival of leaven-free living are evident everywhere—from supermarket shelves to kitchens and dining rooms.
Yet there is another form of preparation taking place as well. Organizers report that thousands of individuals from every continent except Antarctica have signed up for “The Seder Explained,” a four-part online course that will explore the primary components of the seder from both practical and scholarly approaches.
“If you still feel baffled by the rituals and texts of the seder, then this course is for you,” says Yaakov Kaplan, producer of Jewish.tv courses. “And even if you feel like you have a pretty good basic grasp but are looking for enrichment and reinforcement, you’re sure to gain a lot from this series.”
The classes will be led by Rabbi Moshe Steiner, co-director of Uptown Chabad in Toronto, Canada, since 2006. The rabbi is a familiar face and voice to Jewish.tv regulars, who have gotten to know him through “Day by Day,” his reflections on the daily Hayom Yom.
The four segments this latest series will focus on include the prohibition against chametz (any food product made from wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt or their derivatives, which has leavened, or risen); the four cups of wine; the seder liturgy; and the mitzvah to eat matzah. The lectures will be aired on four consecutive Tuesdays, starting March 29, and can be viewed any time afterwards.
“Rabbi Steiner has prepared a wealth of information and inspiration for this course,” Kaplan reports, “and if you take it, you’ll certainly be well-prepared for the seder.”
Register for the free series here.

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