A picture is worth 1,000 words. If so, then a new coffee-table book with more than 200 photographs has a lot to say.

Just in time for the High Holidays, Jewish Educational Media (JEM) has released a photo book titled Tishrei in Lubavitch. The 130-page album takes readers on a visual journey through Tishrei with the Lubavitcher Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, N.Y.

The book covers the years 5740 to 5745 (1979-1984). The array of images, which were taken over the years by Levi Y. Freidin, Yossi Melamed and other photographers, are accompanied by insightful captions and commentaries.

Those who experienced the holidays of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah with the Rebbe—local residents and out-of-towners, young and old, Chassidim and Jews just starting to discover their heritage—found themselves coming away invigorated and renewed. The album’s captions, narratives and quotes from the Rebbe and from the Tishrei prayers are designed to engage, inform, inspire and uplift individuals from across the Jewish community.

Whether reliving a memory or enjoying a first taste of the distinctive meaning with which the Rebbe imbued the holidays, the work offers an inside look into the solemn and the joyous—the unforgettable moments of the month of festivals in the Rebbe’s presence.

“Tishrei in Lubavitch is available at: www.jemstore.com.

One of the inside pages. At right: The Rebbe looks on as the Torah scrolls are returned to the ark at the end of the Hoshanot, 5740-1979. (Photo: JEM/The Living Archives)
One of the inside pages. At right: The Rebbe looks on as the Torah scrolls are returned to the ark at the end of the Hoshanot, 5740-1979. (Photo: JEM/The Living Archives)