Hurricane Matthew may have spared South Florida from much damage, but it is taking direct aim at cities along the central coast, including Daytona Beach and areas in Brevard County, and was expected to cause major storm damage as it approached Georgia, and later on, the Carolinas.
Across Florida, Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries were doing their best to comfort and reassure people in their communities. Some have opened their homes to those in need, utilizing every square inch of unused space to provide a portal in the storm. Others prepared special Shabbat meals that were delivered in advance of the hurricane. Even emissaries under mandatory evacuation are doing what they can to keep in touch with friends and neighbors.
In Ormond Beach, Rabbi Pinchas Ezagui, co-director of Chabad Lubavitch of Greater Daytona with his wife, Chanie, was experiencing the worst of the storm when reached by phone.
“It’s been quite interesting; you’re reaching me at the height and midst of the storm. It’s very windy and rainy. Trees are falling, things are breaking and flying around outside,” he says, noting that he was using a generator to help keep some lights on since power was out throughout the city. “Hopefully, the abeshiter, G‑d, will make sure that nobody gets hurt or loses property.”
A veteran (of sorts) of hurricanes—having been in Florida since 1990, through six or seven storms over the years—the rabbi has been trying to calm the nerves of newer community members.
“Young couples are very nervous. They keep texting: ‘Rabbi, what should I do?’ I am here to calm them down,” says Ezagui. “They have been texting in the middle of the night, and I get it—the wind is scary, the noises are scary, and they want a little support and comfort. I am giving them the best advice I can based on my experience.”

Though a curfew is in effect until 7 a.m. on Saturday morning, the rabbi is hoping that things will return to normal quickly. Meanwhile, gas and food shortages continue to be widespread, and power lines are down everywhere.
“G‑d willing, we will be able to open the Chabad House or at least have a minyan in my house. I’m sure that 40 to 50 people will show up for davening. If there’s a minyan, they will come.
“All this is weather-permitting, of course,” he adds. “If it is not safe, I will not encourage anyone. If the storm passes and tomorrow is OK, people will come to our house for food, air-conditioning, even something for a l’chayim. It’s Shabbat Shuva [Shabbat of Repentance], and a farbrengen will go on.”

Care Packages for Shabbat
Somewhat inland, the emissaries from Chabad of South Orlando are trying to assist tourists who find themselves stuck during the storm. They are also reaching out to residents who need power for medical equipment and have plans to help evacuate those residents to the Chabad House, if necessary, which has power thanks to a generator.
In Gainesville—also inland and spared from the worst of the storm—Rabbi Berl Goldman, his wife Chanie, and Rabbi Aharon and Pessie Notik at Lubavitch Chabad Jewish Center at the University of Florida were preparing to welcome several hundred students for Shabbat dinner.
The emissaries are also providing a makeshift shelter for students who want a friendly place to ride out the storm. “There are a bunch of students sleeping in the library and other places around the house,” notes Goldman.
Further north, in Jacksonville, where the worst of Matthew’s effects was predicted for Friday evening, Rabbi Shmuel and Chana Novack, co-directors of Chabad of Southside, recruited students from the nearby University of North Florida in Jacksonville to help prepare Shabbat food packages on Thursday.
Though three Chabad Houses in the area were evacuated because of fears that storm surge will cause substantial damage, the Novacks are able to remain in their home, which is not under evacuation orders.
“We were debating whether to host our weekly Shabbat dinner to dozens of college students, but when it was reported that the storm will peak on Friday evening, we decided to make other plans, as it will be unsafe to venture out,” he says.

So instead, the rabbi gathered up some volunteers and made dozens of care packages, complete with Shabbat candles, fresh-baked challah, chicken with gravy and rice pilaf, pasta with pesto, Moroccan machbucha salad and honey cake.
“We want to make sure that, especially during this trying time, students and others will have a Shabbat experience,” says Novack, noting that he remains in touch with students and will spend Shabbat with his family hunkered down as the storm moves north.
At the end of the day, Rabbi Ezagui suggests that people remember that there is a greater power at work. “You can’t get nervous about this. You need to relax and remember that G‑d is running the show. That’s what can calm you. He knows you are out there.
“You do what you can to do,” he advises. “And the rest, leave up to G‑d.”

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