Camp is camp, even during the wintertime. And in the warmer parts of the United States, even in December, some of the same outdoor activities come along with it.

Nearly 80 girls from the West Coast recently concluded eight days of fun and games (with a little learning thrown in) as part of a winter camp for the daughters of Chabad emissaries, in partnership with the MyShliach program of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch—the educational arm of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. It followed a similar session for more than 100 boys.

Many of these children don’t live in particularly Jewish neighborhoods and don’t get to spend time with like-minded peers. Programs such as these allow young shluchim the opportunity to share experiences with others.

On the rides at a local amusement park
On the rides at a local amusement park

Nestled in the Verdugo Mountains of Glendale, Calif., the 113-acre campgrounds offer mountain views, hiking trails, archery, sports fields, outdoor amphitheaters and more. In addition to the on-site activities, the children went on field trips to an indoor moonbounce arena and an outdoor amusement park.

Among the many highlights during camp was a bonfire with story-telling and song-singing, including nigunim (wordless Chassidic tunes), with Racheli Muchnik, co-director of Chabad of Oxnard, Calif.

Rabbi DovBer Farkash, co-director of Chabad of the Central Cascades in Issaquah, Wash., summed up the camp experience: “Both our son and daughter had an amazing time, bonded with other kids and made new friends. They came back hoarse but happy, and full of stories about their trips, activities and amazing times with their counselors.”

The program allows young shluchim the chance to spend some quality time together.
The program allows young shluchim the chance to spend some quality time together.
Spontaneous celebration at the breakfast table.
Spontaneous celebration at the breakfast table.
Learning and study in a more relaxed environment.
Learning and study in a more relaxed environment.
Camp brings children closer together and fosters long-term friendships.
Camp brings children closer together and fosters long-term friendships.
Archery was one of the many outdoor activities offered.
Archery was one of the many outdoor activities offered.
Nestled in the Verdugo Mountains of Glendale, Calif., the 113-acre campgrounds offer mountain views, hiking trails, sports fields, outdoor amphitheaters and more.
Nestled in the Verdugo Mountains of Glendale, Calif., the 113-acre campgrounds offer mountain views, hiking trails, sports fields, outdoor amphitheaters and more.