For those who do not yet have a place at a Passover seder, including first-time seder-goers, travelers who find themselves out of town for the holiday, students who can’t make it home, and general procrastinators as well, finding a warm and welcoming place to participate in the Passover seders can seem a daunting task, especially at the last minute.

To make sure everyone has a place to go and a way to share in the beauty and the mitzvahs, Chabad-Lubavitch has compiled an interactive list of more than 2,700 community seders and other holiday-related events in more than 600 cities around the world. The International Seder Directory, which is sponsored by George and Pamela Rohr, allows you to search by city, state or country—and by ZIP code if you are in the United States.

With the holiday less than a week away, seder organizers worldwide urge participants to register today so that enough matzah, wine and food can be ordered and prepared for all participants.

More than just a holiday meal, the Passover seder—the name comes from the Hebrew word for “order”—is made up 15 different parts and includes the retelling of the Exodus story. Especially poignant for children are “The Four Questions,” which question why this night is different from all other nights.

Passover begins this year at sundown on Monday, April 10, the night of the first seder. For a comprehensive guide to information and insights about the holiday, visit the special Passover mini-site here.

The second seder takes place after dark on Tuesday, April 11. (For the exact candle-lighting times in your area, visit the candle-lighting calendar here.

While some of the communal seders in the directory have a fee or suggested donation associated with it, no one will be turned away if costs are prohibitive for individuals. As it says in the Haggadah: “Whoever is hungry, let him come and eat; whoever is in need, let him come and conduct the seder of Passover.”

So if you find yourself anywhere from Ghana to Greensboro or Auckland to Athens, there’s a seat at the Passover table waiting for you.

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