Days ago, one man’s cruelty shook the world. He murdered 11 innocent Jews on Shabbat morning just because they were Jews.
The Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—often emphasized that if one hate-filled individual can accomplish so much evil and pain, how much more good can be accomplished by so many more people doing good and filled with love.
In the wake of the Pittsburgh massacre, as the country reeled from the worst anti-Semitic attack in U.S. history, an untold number of people were moved to respond with acts of caring, kindness and love.
Here are 11 of those acts of kindness:
1. This boy gave cookies and a “thank you” note to a Pittsburgh police officer for keeping him safe.

2. A (non-Jewish) neighbor stopped by Chabad Jewish Center in Tacoma, Wash., and gave Rabbi Zalmy Heber a message of support.

3.Non-Jewish neighbors in Brooklyn asked if they could help.

4. A neighbor brought flowers and a note over to Rabbi Sadya and Shimona Davidoff of Chabad of Shoreline, Wash.

5. This note that the mail lady gave Rabbi Zev Johnson, co-director of the Chabad Student Center at the University of Texas.

6. Neighbors visited Rabbi Zalman and Devory Levin of Chabad of Palo Alto, Calif., to show their love and support.

7. “Fifteen minutes before davening on Shabbat morning, a fellow walked into shul showing me his gun and told me he is here to protect us,” shared Rabbi Yosef Schtroks of Chabad of Olympia, Wash. “Turns out he is a Jew from Israel who has lived in a remote town about 40 minutes from us and hasn’t been involved in Yiddishkeit for over 30 years. He stayed on for many hours.”
8. ... Then came Sunday morning. “The first person who arrived for the morning tefillin and prayers we did in memory of the victims is a Jew who grew up in Brooklyn, but had ‘converted’ over 30 years ago. He felt he needed to be with his people. He put on tefillin and also stayed on for quite a while.”

9. Chabad at University of New Hampshire received an outpouring of support, including flowers left anonymously at their door.

10. A non-Jewish neighbor reached out to Rabbi Yisroel Bernath of Chabad NDG in Montreal, Canada. She expressed solidarity and informed the rabbi that her church had prayed for the Jewish community.

11. In Indiana, Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov’s neighbors called to ask if there was any way they could help out.

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