CKids, the Chabad children’s network, is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Tzivos Hashem youth club with a 24-hour recruitment campaign with the goal of enrolling 40,000 additional Jewish children worldwide over the coming year.

Launched during the holiday of Sukkot in 1980 by the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, the goal of Tzivos Hashem is to empower children to be the best they can be by doing good deeds, helping others and learning about Judaism. In other words, to bring light to the world. Victory, the “troops” are taught, is reached by empowering the neshamah, a person’s G‑dly soul, with the tools it needs to overcome the negative elements around.

With its positive, life-affirming messages, Tzivos Hashem quickly became one of the largest youth groups in the world with branches across the globe.

Since its inception, hundreds of thousands of kids worldwide have participated since the program began signing up to undertake “missions” by performing mitzvahs and other good deeds, allowing them to rise in the “ranks,” and earn medals and prizes for their success.

CKids organizers noted that by signing their children up for Tzivos Hashem, parents are giving their children the opportunity to unite with tens of thousands of others “as collectively they tip the scales in the direction of goodness and kindness.”

“Simply being enrolled serves a great purpose,” organizers said, “because the sense of belonging to such a great cause is in itself a powerful point of pride for every boy and girl.”

To enroll a child in Tzivos Hashem, visit the CKids Brigade of Tzivos Hashem campaign page here.