With the 2007 "To Life" Telethon only just hours away, celebrities from the entertainment, sports and political worlds are lining up to show their support for Chabad-Lubavitch of the West Coast and its annual celebration of kindness and giving. The 27th annual Telethon will broadcast live from Hollywood on Sept. 9 from 4:00 to 10:00 p.m., Pacific Time.
"The Telethon is such a special event when people from around the world can reach out and perform an act of compassion," said Rabbi Boruch Shlomo Cunin, director of Chabad-Lubavitch of the West Coast. "With the donations made during the Telethon, Chabad will be able to provide food, clothing, shelter, and hope to thousands of people of all faiths."
Actor/comedian Elon Gold, whose many television appearances include "The Tonight Show," "Frasier," and "The Next Big Thing: Who's The Greatest Celebrity Impersonator?" will host the fundraising event. Veteran stand-up comedians Mark Schiff and Jeffrey Ross will serve as co-hosts for the program.
Many celebrities will be dropping by the Telethon studios to help promote Chabad of the West Coast's ongoing mission of kindness and caring. Scheduled guests include broadcaster Larry King, actors Jon Voight, Elliott Gould, Joshua Malina and Don Stark, actress/singer Mare Winningham, comedian Shelley Berman and radio commentator Dennis Prager.
Hollywood legends Jerry Lewis, Dick Van Dyke, Regis Philbin and Jackie Mason will offer messages that champion Chabad's humanitarian work. Other stars, including Martin Sheen of "The West Wing," Keith David of "ER," Greg Grunberg of "Heroes," Mario Lopez of "Dancing with the Stars," Craig Ferguson of "The Late Late Show," Howie Mandel of "Deal or no Deal" and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, will make appeals for viewers to help make the world a better place.

The broadcast will feature live performances by some of the top acts in contemporary Jewish music, such as Mordechai Ben David, Gad Elbaz, Avraham Fried and The Yeshiva Boys Choir. The Telethon will also include a performance by Ethan Bortnick, the 6 year-old piano prodigy whose skills have recently won national media attention.
The Telethon will be chaired by film producer Jerry Weintraub and attorney Marshall Grossman.
"The fact that so many different people are stepping forward to be on the show is a testament to the universal appeal of Chabad's nonsectarian programs," said Weintraub. "With the help of our guests, we hope to put on a show that's not only entertaining, but also informative and inspirational."
"That so many distinguished people are joining with Chabad to raise their voice in helping make the world a better place is truly inspirational," said Cunin. "We hope their display of unity and caring will prompt viewers to show their support of our work to aid the needy of all backgrounds and beliefs."
With the theme of "People Helping People," this year's Telethon will highlight the ways that the people of Chabad of the West Coast reach out to aid the needy through grassroots services.
The annual event will be broadcast across the country on television, and people all over the world will be able to enjoy the Telethon via a streaming online simulcast on the Web site ToLife.com. Local television viewers may view the program on the following stations:
Los Angeles: KCAL Channel 9
S. Diego: KUSI Channel 9
S. Francisco: KTSF Channel 26
Las Vegas: KVMY Channel 12
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