A 32-year-old father of two young children was murdered today in a terrorist shooting outside Hermesh, a settlement in the northern Samarian region of Israel. A manhunt was launched by security forces to apprehend the attackers.

Meir Tamari’s car came under fire from a passing vehicle, and despite being shot in his chest and arm, he managed to reach the entrance of the community, where he received preliminary medical attention. He was soon airlifted by helicopter to Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera but succumbed to his injuries.

Described as a devoted student and a beloved friend, Tamari grew up in Safed, where his parents, Rabbi Moshe and Ariella Tamari, are Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries.

The young man’s attachment to the ideals and example of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory continued throughout his life. Following his passing, a friend pointed out that a decade ago Meir posted on his Facebook page some words in honor of the Rebbe on 11 Nisan, the anniversary of the Rebbe’s birth.

“Now, I know what's going through your mind,” wrote Tamari. “Here is another Chabadnik whose whole life revolves around the Rebbe. So here I admit, it's true. I am an ardent Chabadnik. But the truth is that if you think about it a little, and understand the intellectual revolution he brought about, you too will be happy that a personality of the magnitude of the Lubavitcher Rebbe lives here with us, in our generation.”

Tamari and his wife, Tal, moved to Hermesh soon after their marriage four years ago. They had just moved into their new home, which he had built with his own hands.

Rabbi Shmuel Bistritzky, co-director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Savyon, who officiated at the Tamaris’ wedding, said: “It was with great pain that I received the news of the murder of Meir Tamari. We grew up together in the same neighborhood in Safed, and four years ago I had the privilege of marrying Meir and his wife Tal. Our meetings were fascinating and interesting, Meir was always happy and a light to the whole environment. May his memory be a blessing.”

In addition to his wife and parents, Meir Tamari is survived by two young children, ages 1 and 3 years old, in addition to siblings.

He was laid to rest on Tuesday afternoon at the Shaked cemetery in northern Samaria.